
Import of Text and CSV

Import of Text and CSV


If you need to import files of different formats, you can save import settings as a profile. For this, configure all necessary settings, enter the profile name and click Save. The next time you import a file, simply select the profile from the list and all the settings will be set to their previous values.

First row

Most files contain column headers, you do not want to import. In this case, import should start from the second row.


File encoding is usually recognized automatically without any problems. If the budget software cannot recognize encoding and you see gibberish instead of meaningful text, you can select encoding from the list manually.


You can select a data delimiter from the list or enter your own. Changes are instantly reflected in the table.

Date format

Select the format from the list or enter the one that exactly matches the date format in the file.


You need to specify the type of each column before starting import (by clicking the header). At least you need to specify the amount and date of a transaction. If you do not want to import data from some columns, leave their type as <none>.


Select an account that imported transactions will be associated with. This account will be used if the "Account", "Debit account" or "Credit account" columns are not specified, or the account name does not match any of the accounts in the system.

Decimal separator

It is usually a dot or comma separating the integer part from the decimal part. Choose from the list or enter a symbol corresponding to the amounts in the imported file.


This option allows you to avoid duplication of transactions during import.


The type of a transaction depends on the selected columns. Amount is determined automatically using the value in this column. If the amount is negative, the transaction is determined as expense. If the amount is positive, the transaction is determined as income. Debit - all transactions are recorded as expense. Credit - all transactions are recorded as income. Columns can be combined. For example, if a file has two columns with a debit amount and credit amount and all numbers are positive, specify debit and credit columns. If a debit column has a negative amount, and a credit column has a positive amount, specify the Amount type for both columns.


Categories will be created automatically. A colon is used for separating categories and subcategories (for example, Products: Dairy: Cheese)


In addition to income and expenses, you can also import transfers from one account to another. For this, you need to go to the Account column and specify both accounts using a colon: Debit account:Credit account. Both accounts must be present in the system.


A transaction may have several tags. In this case, the name of each tag must start with a new line.